OFAC Article

ClickClaims offers OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control) compliance capabilities as an optional feature when working within the application.  When employing this functionality, ClickClaims will download the OFAC list of individuals and companies from the U.S. Department of the Treasury on a weekly basis and update an internal OFAC list database.  This database is queried on a nightly basis for possible matches of existing ClickClaims “Contact” and “Vendor” records.  


OFAC Email

A system email notification, containing a list of potential “Contact” and/or “Vendor” record matches, will be sent to a predetermined recipient who can review the list and choose to whitelist the ClickClaims record to prevent it from displaying on the list in the future.   The email notification will only be generated when a potential match has been identified.  



  1. The OFAC Match email notification will be sent daily at 6:00 am eastern to the recipient(s) preconfigured within system email template “57 – Ofac Match Email”.   
    1. Note:   To modify the recipient(s) of the email notification, a site administrator should navigate to the “Manage System Emails” data grid page, via the “Tools” menu bar button, and edit the “To Email/Recipient” field of system email template “57 – Ofac Match Email”.  




2. The recipient of the “Ofac Match Email” notification can review the list of potential matches contained within the notification.  


  1. The query is performed on contact/vendor records that are either:
    1. Currently associated with an open claim.
    2. A payee on a payment record made within the past 10 days.
  2. Only contact/vendor records that are eligible for selection as a “Primary Payee” or “Additional Payee” on a payment record in ClickClaims will be included in this process.  Those types are:
    1. Insured
    2. Claimant
    3. Vendor
    4. Vendor Contact
    5. Other
    6. Legal


  1. Note:   Being a possible match does not prevent the contact/vendor from being selected as a payee on a payment submitted within ClickClaims.  
  2. Note:   ClickClaims uses a “fuzzy” lookup to match the name of the contact/vendor to OFAC names.  This allows the contact name "Jon Smith", for example, to be recognized as a possible match to OFAC name "John Smith".  
    1. The logic used by the U.S. Treasury online OFAC search and the ClickClaims search are similar, but not identical so search results between the two system will be similar, but not the same.  
      1. This is because ClickClaims must implement its own search logic.  The U.S. Treasury does not make their source code available.  The OFAC web site FAQ states in Item 88, in part, "OFAC cannot give specific advice on how to design an automated system for downloading its sanctions list data".  



Whitelisting a “Contact” or “Vendor” Record in ClickClaims

  1. To whitelist a “Contact” or “Vendor” record that is shown within the “OFAC Match” email, simply click on the “View Profile” link, located in the last column of that record in the table.  


2. This will direct you to the desired record in ClickClaims.

  1. Note:   If you do not have an active session of ClickClaims, you will first be required to sign in.

3. From within the “Contact” / “Vendor” record, check the “Whitelisted” checkbox that’s located within the “Ofac Whitelist” section and then save the tab to retain the modification.  


  1. The record will not be included in future “OFAC Match” email notifications as long as the “Whitelisted” checkbox remains selected.
    1. Note:   Authorized users can also navigate to the “Contact” or “Vendor” record manually by performing a “Contact” / “Vendor” search for the desired record(s) directly within the ClickClaims application from the “Contacts” and/or “Vendors” menu bar buttons.

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