The Email Importer is an optional EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) feature for the ClickClaims application that allows you to import an email, along with any documents attached to said email, to a claim in ClickClaims directly from your preferred emailing system. Please follow the steps detailed below for instructions on this process.
- Sending or Forwarding an Email to CMS via the Email Importer
- Notifications of a Successful or Failed Attempt When Utilizing the Email Importer EDI
- Potential Causes of Failed Imports When Utilizing the Email Importer EDI
- Locating the Email Body within CMS
- Locating the Email Attachment(s) within CMS
- Import of Email Automatically Creates iLog on Claim
Sending or Forwarding an Email to CMS via the Email Importer
- Open the email that you wish to import into the "Documents" tab of the CMS claim using your preferred email provider. This can be a brand new email or the forwarding of an existing email.
- In the "To..." field of the email, enter the email address, provided to your company by E-Claim, specifically created for your company's utilization of the Email Importer EDI.
- Place your cursor into the “Subject Line” field of the email to enter the required text to so that the Email Importer case can locate the applicable claim in CMS and save the email body and attachments as files within the desired File Type/Sub-Type of the claim’s “Documents” tab. See the area in the next section entitled “Subject Line Formatting” for the details on using the correct formatting within the email’s “Subject Line”.
- At this point, you may edit the body of the email as well as attach or detach any documents, as desired.
- Once you have completed the steps above, send the email, per usual, to initiate the Email Importer EDI process.
NOTE: The Email Importer EDI polls for new files approximately every 15 minutes. Any emails sent between this timeframe will be in a queue and will be processed during the next poll.
NOTE: The Email Importer does not currently support Rich Text Format files (RTF).
NOTE: The attachment(s) included on the email must not exceed 20 MB. The total email itself must not exceed 30 MB.
Subject Line Formatting:
Changing the default File Type and File Sub-Type:
The Email Importer has an optional feature that, when active, provides you with the ability to override your company’s chosen default settings for the File Type and File Sub-Type to which any attachments included within your email are uploaded within the claim’s “Documents” tab.
If you are unsure if your company has this feature active for your Email Importer case or are uncertain as to their protocol for utilizing this optional feature, please contact them directly for details. If your company has opted not to activate this feature, please proceed to the section entitled “Entering the CMS/Client Number”.
- To designate which File Type and File Sub-Type you wish the attachments to be uploaded to, you must know the EXACT naming of the File Type and File Sub-Type you wish to use.
2. Once you know that information, the proper formatting to use when changing the Type/Sub-Type is:
- Two asterisks (*), followed by the exact file Type name, followed by two more asterisks, then the exact file Sub-Type name, and finally, two more asterisks.
- If the Type you wish to use is “Main File Documents” and the Sub-Type is “Forms/Letters”, then the correct format to use would be:
- **Main File Documents**Forms/Letters**
- If the Type you wish to use is “Main File Documents” and the Sub-Type is “Forms/Letters”, then the correct format to use would be:
- If the Type you wish to use is “Insured Documents” and the Sub-Type is “Emails to Insureds”, then the correct format to use would be:
- **Insured Documents**Emails to Insured**
- If the Type you wish to use is “Insured Documents” and the Sub-Type is “Emails to Insureds”, then the correct format to use would be:
NOTE: Entering the Type, Sub-Type or formatting into the “Subject Line” incorrectly or not at all will NOT cause the importer to fail. Omitting or incorrectly entering the File Type/Sub-Type will simply cause the attachments to upload to the default Type/Sub-Type as predetermined by your company.
Entering the CMS/Client Number:
- Position your cursor so that it is located at the very end of the “Subject Line” field.
- You have the option of using the "CMS number" or the "Client Number" of the claim to which you wish this email to be imported.
- If you choose to use the claim's "CMS Number" method:
- Type the word CMS and then follow it with the claim's actual CMS Number. You have the option to enter a space between “CMS” and the number, but it is not required.
- EXAMPLE 1 (without a space): If the claim's CMS Number is 22311, you would enter:
- CMS22311
- EXAMPLE 2 (with a space): If the claim’s CMS Number is 22311, you would enter:
- CMS 22311
- EXAMPLE 1 (without a space): If the claim's CMS Number is 22311, you would enter:
- Type the word CMS and then follow it with the claim's actual CMS Number. You have the option to enter a space between “CMS” and the number, but it is not required.
- If you choose to use the claim's "CMS Number" method:
- If you choose to use the claim's "Client Number" method:
- Enter the pound symbol (#) followed by the claim's actual Client Number. You have the option to enter a space between “#” and the number, but it is not required.
- EXAMPLE 1 (without a space): If the claim's Client Number is 126126 you would enter:
- #126126
- EXAMPLE 1 (without a space): If the claim's Client Number is 126126 you would enter:
- Enter the pound symbol (#) followed by the claim's actual Client Number. You have the option to enter a space between “#” and the number, but it is not required.
2. EXAMPLE 2 (with a space): If the claim’s Client Number is 126126 you would enter:
a. # 126126
NOTE: Entering the Client Number / CMS Number format within the subject line incorrectly, or in the wrong location, is the most common reason this process will fail.
Notifications of a Successful or Failed Attempt When Utilizing the Email Importer EDI
Successful Notifications:
- The Email Importer EDI checks for new files to be imported approximately every 15 minutes.
- When your email has been successfully imported into the "Documents" tab of the claim, an email notification stating that an email has been imported to a claim will be triggered.
- The notification email will include the claim's Client Number and CMS Number within the subject line
- The notification email’s body will state that the email was received and processed and will include the email’s subject line and the name of any attachments included.
- The notification email will be sent to the primary email address of the Company Examiner that has been assigned to the claim.
- The notification email will also be sent to a predetermined email address for successful imports, as specified by your company.
Failed Notifications:
- If the import process is unsuccessful, a “No Claim Match Found” failure notification email will be triggered.
- The notification email will state “No claim match found” within the subject line.
- The notification email will contain the original email as an attachment.
- The notification email’s body will state that the email could not be imported because no claim match found based on the subject line and will include the original email’s subject line.
- The notification email will be sent to a predetermined email address for failed imports, as specified by your company.
Potential Causes of Failed Imports When Utilizing the Email Importer EDI
- If the import of an email, along with any attachments included within the email, fails, the cause is ordinarily one of the following:
- The subject line was not correctly populated
- If you receive a failure notification, the first troubleshooting step should be to review the original email’s subject line for accuracy.
- If it is determined that the subject line was populated incorrectly, please take the appropriate steps, as determined by your company’s protocol, to send the email again with the correct subject line format.
- The CMS Number or Client Number entered within the email's "Subject" line does not exist in CMS.
- Please verify the correct number of the claim within the ClickClaims CMS application and then take the appropriate steps, as determined by your company’s protocol, to send the email again with the correct number in the subject line.
- The subject line was not correctly populated
Locating the Email Body within CMS
The email body file is the actual email that was imported into the claim via the Email Importer EDI.
- Access the desired claim within the ClickClaims CMS application.
- The body of the email is saved as a file on the claim’s “Documents” tab.
- Hover over and/or click on the
icon located next to the email.html file to locate/view the associated email.eml file.
- Hover over the
icon located next to the email.html file to display the tooltip of the associated iLog note that was created during the import process.
- Location – File Type: The default location where the email body document will be saved is under the "System Documents" File Type.
6. Location – File Sub-Type: The default File Sub-Type for the email body document is “Emails”.
7. Document Name/Link: The email file will be entitled "Email” within the “Document Name/Link” column with a file extension type of .html, .txt, or .eml.
8. Description: The description for this document within the "Description" column will be the text within the original email’s “Subject Line” by default, and the size and date/time stamp will be displayed in the corresponding columns within the grid as well.
- Simply left-click on the hyperlink for the document within the "Document Name/Link" column of the data grid to open the email.
- Please note that any embedded images in the original email will not display in the CMS copy of the email if the file’s extension type is .html or .txt.
- If the extension is .eml, the email body file will retain the original email’s formatting and headers.
- TIP: In order to open an .eml document, you must have a program installed that can read this type of file extension. Examples of such programs are Outlook, Outlook Express, Window Live Mail, Mozilla Thunderbird, IncrediMail, etc.
- If the extension is .eml, the email body file will retain the original email’s formatting and headers.
- If you do not have one of these programs installed, there are .eml file viewer programs available for download. You can perform a search for programs that can read .eml files to determine what option is best for you.
- In addition, you can opt to view the .html or .txt email body file instead of viewing the .eml file. The .html / .txt file will contain the email body as well, but will not include any headers, images, etc. that were part of the original email’s format.
- TIP: Some versions of Internet Explorer require you to first right-click on the .eml document link within the “Documents/Links” column, select “Save Target As” from the menu list that appears, and download the document. Then, you are able to open the file in its original format. Otherwise, simply left-clicking on the .eml link will open the file in the same type formatting as an .html file.
NOTE: Your company will notify you if they have opted to use a different location File Type, File Sub-Type, and/or Description than the defaults listed above.
Locating the Email Attachment(s) within CMS
If any attachments were included with the imported email, the attachment(s) will display separately from the email and from each other, meaning that they will be listed as individual documents. If the email body document has a file extension type of .eml, however, the file itself will include the attachments in addition to their being located separately within the claim’s “Documents” tab.
- Access the desired claim within the ClickClaims CMS application.
- The email’s attachment(s) will display separately from the email and from each other, meaning that they will be listed as individual documents on the claim’s “Documents” tab.
- Location – File Type: The default location where the email attachments will be saved is under the "System Documents" File Type.
- Location – File Sub-Type: The default File Sub-Type for the email body document is “Import/Export (EDI) Documents”.
- Document Name/Link: The email attachments will retain the name and file type as when it was attached to the original email within the “Document Name/Link” column.
- Description: The description for the attachment file within the "Description" column will be “Email Attachment” by default and the date/time stamp will be displayed in the corresponding columns within the grid as well.
NOTE: Your company will notify you if they have opted to use a different location File Type, File Sub-Type, and/or Description than the defaults listed above.
- Once the email's attachments have been imported to the "Documents" tab via the Email Importer EDI, you may highlight/select the desired document, click the
button, and select the "Edit Document" option from the drop-list to change the description, move the document to another File Type, etc.
- The ability to perform the "Edit Document" action is based on the parameters set on the "System Documents" File Type as determined by the designated person or persons at your company. If you feel that you should be able to access the "Edit Document" action, please contact the appropriate person(s) at your company who has the ability to change the security settings of the Claim Document Manager's File Type, via the "Manage File Type" action, as deemed appropriate.
- Within the data grid's "Ext." column for the document(s), an
icon will be displayed. This icon is an identifier notifying you that this document is linked to another document such as the email body (.html and .txt only) to which the attachment file was originally associated to upon import from the Email Importer and vice versa. The .eml email body file does not contain this icon since the .eml file itself contains the attachments.
- However your mouse over this icon to display a tooltip providing the name of the document this file is attached to.
- Click directly on the
icon to immediately open and view the associated file thus eliminating the need to manually locate and select the document link within the “Documents” tab.
Import of Email Automatically Creates iLog on Claim
- When the email and any attachments are imported successfully into the claim in CMS via the Email Importer, an iLog will be automatically created within the claim's "Notes" tab and will contain the text of the email body.
- This iLog note will be located within the "System" Note Type and the "Email" Sub-Note Type.
- Within the “Linked” column, hovering your mouse over the
icon will display a tooltip listing the email.html document associated with this note.
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