How Do I Update Adjuster/Vendor Information Between QuickBooks and ClickClaims?

Adjuster/Vendor mapping is an optional QuickBooks Web Connector setting that is enabled by default unless otherwise requested by your company.  When enabled, the addition of a new adjuster/vendor record, along with any valid modifications to that record, automatically synchs to QuickBooks from ClickClaims.

Requirements to Create a New Vendor Record in QuickBooks from ClickClaims

  1. The adjuster's user record in ClickClaims must be associated with the "Adjuster" user role.
  2. The adjuster's user record in ClickClaims must be active.
  3. The "QuickBooks Name" field within the adjuster's user record in ClickClaims must be populated.
    1. The value entered within the "QuickBooks Name" field in ClickClaims must not match an existing vendor record in QuickBooks that contains the same value in the "Vendor Name" field.

Once the adjuster's user record is properly created in ClickClaims, run the QuickBooks Web Connector Service at your convenience to automatically create the new, affiliated vendor record in QuickBooks.

Steps to Automatically Update Adjuster/Vendor Information in QuickBooks

  1. In order to update the information, the adjuster's user record in ClickClaims must have already been mapped to a vendor record in QuickBooks via the QuickBooks Web Connector.
  2. Navigate into the adjuster's user record in ClickClaims and modify the pertinent fields.  Recognized fields are:
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Primary Email Address
    4. Office Phone Number
    5. Mobile Phone Number
    6. Fax Number
    7. Address (based on first address "type" listed)
      • Business
      • Billing
      • Home
      • Catastrophe
      • Emergency
      • Other
      • Mailing
  3. Save the changes.
  4. Navigate into QuickBooks at your convenience and initiate the QuickBooks Web Connector service.  The modifications made to the record in ClickClaims automatically update the equivalent fields within the associated vendor record in QuickBooks.

Changes made manually to the vendor record directly within QuickBooks do not automatically update the affiliated adjuster record in ClickClaims as data only flows from ClickClaims to QuickBooks. 

Additionally, if your company has opted out of the option to automatically synch adjuster/vendor information, the records and any revisions must be manually entered in both systems.

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