The Pre-Claim Call Center is associated with active policies existing in your ClickClaims application. The purpose of this feature is to automate outbound calls to the policyholder to notify them that their loss location is currently in the anticipated path of an event (Pre-Storm) and/or that their area has been impacted by an event (Post-Storm) to instruct them on how to submit a claim if they’re impacted. This service is capable of sending thousands of calls per hour. Detailed reports of each call attempt are provided in real-time, allowing you to provide yourself and other stakeholders with current reporting. All call attempts and results are logged within the policy record, as well as the Pre-Claim Call Center reporting module.
Generic Call Scripts:
“Pre-Storm” Automated Message:
Hello. This is (Company Name) calling about severe weather that may affect your area. We are here to help in the event of damages to your property. If you suffer a loss and would like to submit a claim, please call our claims hotline at (Phone Number).
You can also report your claim online at (Website), or through our mobile app, available in the Apple or Android app stores.
Once again, to report you claim, call (Phone Number), or file online at (Website), or through the (Company Name) mobile app.
To repeat this message, please press two.
“Post-Storm” Automated Message:
Hello. This is (Company Name) calling about severe weather that has affected your area. We are here to help in the event of damage to your property. If you have suffered a loss to your property and would like to submit a claim, please call our claims hotline at (Phone Number), or press one to be connected to our loss initiation team.
You can also report your claim online at (Website), or through our mobile app, available in the Apple or Android app stores.
Once again, to report your claim, call (Phone Number), or file your claim online at (Website), or through the (Company Name) mobile app, or press one now to be connected to our loss initiation team.
To repeat this message, please press (Pick a Number).
Note: The generic scripts shown above may vary depending on the pre-determined script(s) agreed upon during the setup and configuration of this feature.
Managing Pre-Claim Batches
1. To access the “Manage Batches” data grid in order to create and manage your batch queue, hover your mouse over the “Call Center” menu bar button and then the “Pre-Claim” option in the drop-list.
2. Select “Manage Batches” from the fly-out menu.
Add to Batch Queue
1. From the “Manage Batches” data grid, click on the
button. The “Call Center Pre-Claim Call Batch Queue” window will display.
2. Select either the “Pre-Storm” or “Post-Storm” radio button next to “Message” to specify which script will be used for the calls included in the batch.
a. Please see the generic “Pre-Storm” and “Post-Storm” script messages covered previously in this user guide or refer to your company’s site administrator for details regarding the script(s) used by your company.
3. You may select which policies to include in the batch(es) by county/parish, zip code, and/or proximity.
a. By County / Parish
i. Select a state from the “State” drop-list. This will then load the applicable counties / parishes.
ii. Select the counties / parishes desired.
b. By Zip Code
i. Type the zip code into the “Zip Code” text box.
ii. If entering multiple zip codes, separate each with a comma.
c. By Proximity
i. Enter the number of miles in the “Within” field of the “Radius” section.
ii. Enter the zip code in the “Miles of” field of the “Radius” section.
iii. Select the zip code(s) within the “Zip Code” drop-list.
1. The zip code list will update/refresh when the proximity radius and zip code are entered.
2. You may also use the
icon to manually refresh the zip code list.
4. Once you have completed entering your search criteria, click the
button to initiate the search and generate the results on the “Manage Batches” data grid. Select the
button to close the “Call Center Pre-Claim Call Batch Queue” window and return to the “Manage Batches” grid.
Manage Batches
Each batch will appear as one record on the “Manage Batches” data grid. Each batch record includes all active policy records meeting the search criteria entered on the “Call Center Pre-Claim Call Batch Queue” window. The grid contains the same functionality as other grids within the ClickClaims CMS application.
Note: Each section populated within the “Call Center Pre-Claim Call Batch Queue” window will generate a separate batch record. For example, if you populate the fields within the “By County/Parish” section AND you populate the “Zip Code” textbox within the “By Zip Code” section, upon clicking the button, one batch record will be generated for all active policy records containing a state and county matching the state and county entered, and a second batch record will be generated for all active policy records containing a zip code matching the zip code(s) entered, per the screenshots below.
1. Select the
filter button to view details pertaining to each batch currently in the queue for processing.
2. Select the
filter button to view details pertaining to each batch already processed.
3. Select the
filter button to view details pertaining to all batch records.
Requirements to Initiate Call
1. Policy must contain at least 1 phone number for the insured with no extension information included.
a. The call center will initially dial the number marked as the insured’s “Primary” phone number. If that fails, the system will then attempt the next number listed in the record and it will continue until it is successful or until all numbers attempted have failed. If all phone numbers fail (not answered by human or answering machine), it will be sent to the “Failed Calls” queue.
2. There must be no call in the “Attempting” status for this policy at the time of initiation.
Delete from Batch Queue
1. Batches are processed approximately every 15 minutes. To remove a batch record from the queue to prevent it from processing, highlight the batch record within the “Manage Batches” grid.
2. Click the
3. Click “OK” on the confirmation message that appears stating, “Are you sure you want to delete this from the batch queue?” if you wish to proceed or click “Cancel” to keep the batch record in the queue for processing.
Pending Calls Queue
1. To access pending batches, hover your mouse over the “Call Center” menu bar button and then the “Pre-Claim” option in the drop-list.
2. Select “Pending Calls” from the fly-out menu.
Pending Calls Data Grid
1. The “Pending Calls” grid displays a list of all calls that the Pre-Claim Call Center is currently attempting to send, as well as any calls that have been queued due to being triggered outside of the allowed send time.
2. If all conditions are met to initiate the call, but the triggering function occurs outside of the permitted calling time (9:00 AM to 7:00 PM central), the call will be placed into the “Pending Calls” grid.
3. Click on the
button to refresh the records displaying on the “Pending Calls” data grid.
4. Click on the
button to be redirected to the “Failed Calls” data grid.
Failed Calls Queue
1. To access, hover your mouse over the “Call Center” menu bar button and then the “Pre-Claim” option in the drop-list.
2. Select “Failed Calls” from the fly-out menu.
3. You may also access the “Failed Calls” grid by clicking on the
button from the “Pending Calls” data grid.
Failed Calls Data Grid
The “Failed Calls” data grid displays the policy record of all calls the Pre-Claim Call Center has already attempted, but failed. When all possible numbers (home, other, mobile, and business) have been attempted without success, the policy record is displayed in this data grid. All failed calls will remain in this queue until a subsequent call is initiated or the call is abandoned by an Administrator.
Reattempting Call
1. To reinitiate the call, select the desired policy records from the “Failed Calls” grid and then select the
2. A notification message will display stating that the call has been initiated and the record will be removed from the “Failed Calls” grid.
Abandoning Call
1. If you do not wish to initiate the call again and want to remove it from the grid, select the desired record(s) and then click the
2. A notification message will be displayed stating that the call(s) have been abandoned by an Administrator and the record will be removed from the “Failed Calls” grid.
a. Click on the
button to search and report on all calls sent on your policies via the Pre-Claim Call Center.
Calls Report
1. To access, hover your mouse over the “Call Center” menu bar button and then the “Pre-Claim” option in the drop-list.
2. Select “Calls Report” from the fly-out menu.
Calls Report Search
1. Enter the pertinent criteria within the “Calls Report” search fields.
a. Number / Name: Enter the Policy Number, or the Insured’s Name.
b. Call Date: Enter a date range for the records you wish returned in the report.
c. Call Status: Select one or more statuses from the drop-list.
d. Insured Phone Number: Enter the dialed phone number.
e. Duration (seconds): Select the application range using the slide bar to search by the call length.
f. Comments / Notes: Automatically generated comments per the sent call’s status.
2. Click the “Advanced” checkbox to display additional search fields.
a. Insured First/Last Name
b. Loss City/State/Zip
3. Click the
button to initiate the search and be redirected to the “Calls Report” data grid.
Calls Report Data Grid
The “Calls Report” data grid displays the individual policy record of all placed calls the Call Center has processed. This grid allows you to view and report on the policy number, the insured’s name, the phone number dialed, the loss city/state/zip, and the user who initiated the call. In addition, this report also shows the date and time the call was placed, the status of the call and its associated comments, and the duration of the call.
1. Click on the record’s link within the “Policy #” column to be redirected to the “Policy Repository” page.
2. Select the
button to be redirected to the “Failed Calls” data grid.
3. Select the
button to return to the “Calls Report” search menu.
Call Center Status Meanings:
1. Held: Call was placed into the queue due to it being initiated outside of the predetermined call hours (calls are made between 9:00 AM and 6:00 PM eastern by default).
2. Attempting: Call center is currently attempting the call.
3. Successful: The call was placed successfully (answered by a human or by an answering machine).
4. Failed: Call failed (not answered by human, answering machine or is on the “Do Not Call” list).
5. Failed/Successful: The initial call failed, but a subsequent call was successful.
6. Abandoned Previously Failed (by Admin): This call failed. An Administrator removed the call from the queue and does not want to make any further attempts to place the call.
Call History Log Button
The call history log button () will be located within the “Insured Phone Numbers” section of the policy record after the first call has been initiated. Until the first call has been initiated, the button will not display.
1. To view the history of all of the calls made for this policy, click on the
icon. The “Call Center Pre-Claim Call History” window will display.
2. The window will display the following information
a. The date and time stamp the call occurred.
b. The phone number was dialed.
c. The duration of the call.
d. The status of the call.
e. The comments of the call per the associated status.
f. The first and last name of the user who initiated the call.
Note: Unlike the Post-Claim Call Center functionality, the Pre-Claim Call Center only processes calls in batches since this functionality requires the user to specify which message should be included with the call (the “Pre-Storm” or Post-Storm” message). Therefore, there is no manual call button () ) located within the policy record to initiate a call on an individual policy.